Consider the following before trying any of these tips. When using the Lab software "Bit Banger" feature it is very easy to create an absolutely brain dead MLM, so be careful. Also, there is no guarantee that all tips will work with every Spectra. Forget about using this RSS with an Astro Spectra.
Bit Banging the model number
This is necessary if you want to clone a different model number Spectra's features into your radio.
The model number starts at location 0x6048 on the MLM and after location 0xB670 on the command board. After making any changes using the Bit Banger read the radio and then program the radio before doing anything else. When the clone operation is started you will most likely get a warning message that the radios features are different, tell it to proceed.
Now you have changed the model number in your radio to match your source, perform the following:
- Load a codeplug from the "source radio" (the model number you want)
- Connect the programming cable to your radio
- Select clone from the menu, and in a few seconds RSS should tell you that your radio has been cloned.
Upgrading control head type
If your Spectra only shows an A5 faceplate in the RSS, you will want to change location 0x6060 on the MLM to 0xED. If you want to force an A9 type head, change this location to 0xCD. Remember to check F4-F2-F9 first to see what heads are allowed before making this modification.
Spectra serial number
If you want to change the serial number in your radio, here is the C source for a program that is supposed to do it. It is supposed to work with Spectra version 5.03. I don't have a radio to try it on, so compile it your self and try it out. Supposedly you can use DJCC compiler to compile it.
The other way to change the serial numbers (command board AND MLM) in a Spectra is to use LAB RSS and use the serial number change utility (service menu I believe).
If that won't work, you can use the Bit Banger in the Lab RSS. The serial numbers start at location 0x601D on the MLM and at location 0xB61C on the command board.
Spectra bandsplit
The frequency/bandsplit of the MLM is in memory location 0x605F. To change the bandsplit of the codeplug in the radio, use the BITBANGER function and change 0x605F as follows:
61 = 136-164 MHz 62 = 146-174 MHz 63 = 403-433 MHz 64 = 438-470 MHz 65 = 450-482 MHz 66 = 806-870 MHz 67 = 896-941 MHz 68 = 482=512 MHzAfter you change the memory using BITBANGER, read the codeplug from the radio and it will have the new bandsplit. NOTE: This will NOT change the actual bandsplit of your radio. You can't make a radio operate in a new bandsplit without changing the hardware (VCO). However, it will allow you to take a codeplug with desired features but the wrong bandsplit and modify it so you can clone it into another radio.
This might possibly be a roundabout way to program out of band freq. Program up all the modes using fictitious frequencies for your out of band channels and write to the radio. Then use BITBANG to change the bandsplit to one the covers your out of band freqs and read the codeplug. Change the out of band modes to the correct freq and then write to the radio. Finally, BITBANG the radio back to the correct bandsplit matching the hardware and then read and write the radio without modifying the modes. This has been tried with some limited success.
As always, LAB software in general and BITBANGing specifically should be exercised with extreme caution. You can easily convert your radio to a paperweight.
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